Digital Printing Solutions

Printex offers the best solutions in digital printing for industrial applications in multiple and single pass technologies.

Working closely with MimakiUSA, using multiple-pass digital technology, we can provide customers the right printer model, ink system and tooling to maximize your digital printing application. With several printer models featuring various flat bed size formats, we have a printer to meet your part size and configuration requirements. These printers use the latest in flexible and rigid UV curable digital printing inks.

Browse through the featured models below and send us your request form for immediate response from our Technical Sales department.

For high output single-pass applications, please contact us HERE for a custom solution.

UJF-3042FX– With 6 color channels (CYMK, White and Clear), 11.8” x 16.5” image area with 2” vertical clearance, latest generation output software and virtually no VOC from UV curable inks, the 3042FX is an excellent choice for a multipurpose start up printer…MORE


UJF-3042HG– With increased vertical clearance to 6”, 8 color capability (CYMK, Lc, Lm, W, Cl) and even a selectable printing primer, this model offers advanced features and increased capacity…MORE


JFXplus Series- This series offers a larger print platform for large parts or greater output, faster than the UJF-3042 series by 15%, with 2” vertical clearance, vaccuum and using Mimaki’s latest UV ink technology and software…MORE